113 Station Road, North Chingford, London E4 7BU
Tel: 020-8529-4004 (24 hrs)

Pet health plans
“Save money and pay monthly for your pet’s essential preventive health care”
Provides routine preventive health care for your dog, cat or rabbit throughout the year at affordable monthly payments including discounts on veterinary procedures and diagnostic tests. It’s a great way to spread the cost of preventative veterinary care for your pets across the year and make excellent savings! There are no age restrictions.
To join, simply call in at the surgery to complete a simple application form that will include full details of the Agreement. You will need to bring your bank details.
Our Pet Health Plans includes:
Annual vaccinations with a 10 point health check with a veterinary surgeon
Year round flea treatment
Year round worm treatment
Year round tick treatment
We will reward you for your loyalty with exclusive Pet Health Plan discounts:
50% off microchipping
50% off Kennel Cough vaccination
10% off VHD2 vaccines
10% off elective neutering procedures
10% off in-house dental procedures
10% off all prescription diets, mammal diets and pet accessories
10% off in-house blood tests
10% off long-term medication (discount begins 3rd month of treatment)
One free consultation per year with a veterinary surgeon (excluding treatment or out of hours consultation)
Free veterinary nurse claw clipping, four times yearly
Primary or restart vaccination* for £20 with a veterinary surgeon
* Vaccinations include:
Dogs - Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza, Leptospirosis
Cats - Feline Leukeamia, Enteritis, Feline Influenza
Terms & Conditions:
1) There is a joining fee of £10 per owner (for life). This fee will be collected with the first payment. The contract is 12 months minimum.
2) If you cancel at any time other than on the anniversary of joining the plan, you will be required to pay the practice either the outstanding amount for treatment received, or the monthly payments due until the anniversary of your plan, whichever is lower.
3) No refunds are payable for any months paid before a pet's death except at the discretion of the practice.
4) The plan will automatically renew annually and will start a new 12-month contract period
5) The practice may require you to make an upfront payment or pay for treatment before the plan commences.
6) All prices include VAT
7) The plan compliments insurance but does not replace it
Underwritten by Premiere Vet Alliance
£15.00 monthly
Small dog (<4kg)
£14.50 monthly
Medium dog (4.1-10kg)
£16.50 monthly
Large dog (10.1-25kg)
£18.00 monthly
Extra large dog (25.1-40kg)
£21.00 monthly
Giant dog (>40kg)
£30.00 monthly